Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Unanswered Question


After reading my previous post, again, it's been a long long time since I manage this space. Firstly it's because I became lazy, second it's because everything seems to be on social media, no one really uses blog space anymore. But having my own personal space to record my experiences is kinda cool too, I'll try to keep this page alive. 

This evening I attended this concert featuring Hou, a genius young trumpet player hailed from Taiwan, the place I studied my bachelor in music. I had the opportunity to meet Hou when my clarinet teacher Huang, who was the Head of Music Department in NTUA, lead the university students to Singapore for exchange concert, and Hou was one of the professor to came along because he was the Singapore NUS YST alumni. 

It was an opportunity for me to travel to SG to meet my teacher (because travel by to Taiwan is so troublesome then). It was then I met Hou and he happens to be course mate of Howard, which we had knew each other through internet since high school days. Both of them are funny dudes. 

Back to the concert, it is great to be able to listen to Hou play in an ensemble and solo live, otherwise I could only see him in Youtube. When he was appointed Professor in NTUA, the student remarked "Hou-god has finally advent, we have been only able to see him through social media in the past". 

Given his remarkable reputation in trumpet playing, his performance tonight is truly astonishing, and the program planned by Howard (tonight's performer too) is equally interesting, because I get to listen to Charles Ive's The Unanswered Question, which would otherwise only get to see it mentioned in music textbook back in uni days. 

Howard will be stepping down from leading the Virama ensemble after 10-years, as the co-founder and manager of the ensemble, he is very inspirational as a musician and manager in the classical music industry. Not sure who's going to succeed him yet, Howard has set the bar too high for us to follow, perhaps Kenny? Lol, good luck Kenny!

Meeting a few new and old friends, stayed around, chatted a while, took this opportunity to have a photo with Hou-god and sent it to Huang to say hi. 

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Liuqiu Island 小琉球

It's "been a while" since I updated this blog, should write something happy on this one-year inactive anniversary since my last entry was really bad and down. Someone actually left me an encouraging positive comment in my previous super emo post, I didn't realize it until I wanted to write this entry, I am very thankful for your kind and helpful comment, I am doing quite good for now, thank you very much!

2019/07/13 - 2019/07/16

I went to Liuqiu Island few days ago, thanks to my friend from Music Department who has been jio-ing me forever, I cannot turn down the invitation anymore so it's a go, turned out to be a very fun trip after all. Moreover we got a pretty good travel deal from the High Speed Rail company, we get a package of return trip + one night stay in the nearby pretty good cozy hotel for good price.

We spent the first night in Kaohsiung (高雄), had some simple dinner and played darts through the night. It's a local dart club, so there were a few regular players who played very good, it was pretty fun to watch them play, especially their name, a clan name followed by player name, quite funny I should say, like "[Zansinryu] Nigga", reminds me back then when I play online games with friends we often comes up with names we think its damn cool, but its not.

I'm quite surprised when I reached Kaohsiung, I think it's the first time I properly came here and walk around. There were so many un-Taiwanese looking people, you get the feeling of "Am I in Taiwan or Malaysia...?" There were many Indonesians walking around, and many Warung Makan, tens of them around the High Speed Rail station, similar to Taipei Main Station.

The next day, we travel from Kaohsiung to Pingtung's Donggang township (東港), travelers have to take a 20-min ferry journey from there to the island. Rent a motor upon arrival, and off we go to the hostel!

The arrival port

It's a relatively small and chill town, its so small you can circle the island in half an hour bike ride.

Most people here travel on bike, as usual, but without helmet, you hardly see polices, even if you do, they don't give fuck. Just chill. 

It's called the XPB hostel available in AirBnB, nothing fancy on the outside but very cozy

Even the cats there are so chill you can just pick them up whenever you like and they don't bother at all, except they give you a very helpless and annoyed expression.

Asadi(s) are forever, taman boy start pack

The main hall of the hostel, equipped with Nintendo Switch and Xiaomi music player.

The wall is hung with lots of guest photos

This SH here is Johnny, my uni mate who came this island, so often that people recognize him. Like to what extend? While we were riding bike, he would just wave his hand back at people from time to time. Even the bubble milk tea shop owner would greet him. 

Nice decorated room

The beer and joint rooftop

The first day, we simply grabbed food from 7-11, and then went straight to diving. We reached a pretty deep spot like about 10m depth, and did some diving beginners lesson by the hostel owner, he's a very friendly and outgoing dude. It was fun but not entirely, because the wave is kind of strong and I haven't been eating and exercising well, I ran out of breath rather quick and had motion sickness, I had to call it off soon, urghhhh...

We had dinner at a dai chao 熱炒 and went back to hostel to play Nintendo Switch with other fellow travelers. They were regular guest and friend of the hostel owner. We had a rather intense and funny battle playing Mario Party because of making stupid swings and movement, the girls laughed hysterically at our arm shaking motion, if you know what I mean I played until forgot to take more pics the first day, sorry~

The 2nd day I woke up slightly early to have breakfast, and then went to explore the island around alone.

Came this spot and spend whole afternoon jump into water repeatedly for fun, turtle spotted

Visit a few beaches for sight-seeing, the waters are clean and clear.

There were almost no fair skin girls on this island. It was weekdays, less travelers and more local girls, they casually bike around the town in their bikini, no wonder they're so dark.

Of course, with my Asadi

Beaches, lots of beaches.

Ports, lots of ports.

And lots of temples, probably a hundred of them, why do they even need that many??

Did some trail trekking in Leng Lui Cave 美人洞, it's kind of boring.

Sage cave (仙人洞) Go in with your girl then you can be happy like a sage.快樂似神仙 

Now, the highlight of this trip. The unintentional and surprised event. I was invited to go and see a boy (friend of hostel owner) surprise proposing to his girlfriend. When I arrived at their house, they were busy setting up and decorating, briefing the friends what to do before the girlfriend came back from work. Well, me being a traveler visit the island for the first time and have never met them before, attending the proposing event is rather odd for me. Then the event took an unpredictable progress, they were short of people, then I was tasked to take part and help the boy in his proposing plan. What the..... ?

Decorating the exterior and interior

Now the friend do the briefing, dogs play their part too.

I have no idea how did I ended up like this, that guy looks as clueless as I do.

The proposal, the girl is both surprised and annoyed. She complained,
"Why do you pick this moment to propose, when I'm not wearing pants?"

As for me, I am equally nervous like the boyfriend, and surprised like the girlfriend.

Wishing you both happily ever after what a lovely couple
Now I'm off to my dinner with my friends.

Brought to this Sushi cuisine mini restaurant. Doesn't look any special, but surprisingly good business. I witnessed many times, people walked in to dine but turned away by the owner because he had enough food orders and reservations. It was weekdays, not even weekend where you would expect overwhelmingly volume of customers. We were able to dine there because the owner, again, was the friend of the hostel owner. He went diving with us too. So, I am sort of lucky. 

It's 360twd (2019), doesn't sound cheap. But hey, it's fucking delicious with large chunk of salmon and roes and etc.. I was so full that I have to gave up my plan for supper. No wonder so many people came. Went back to hostel and chill.

The next day, repeated routine. Simple breakfast at 洪媽媽, check out the room, it was 1600TWD per night for the twin bed room. Had simply bento lunch, and then again went for diving. This time it was good, the wave is friendly, the water is clearer, just the weather a bit shady, otherwise its perfect.

Weeee, was nervous because never went this deep before and without equipments. After several practice, it's actually not that difficult. 

Will definitely find some time to come again. 

What I love over here most is the environment, hot but breezy town, chilling pace, and the people here are super friendly and warm welcome. Looks like I've been staying in Taipei for too long. I should make more beach and small island trip more often. Make me less emo. 10/10 rating.

Sadly, have to rush back to Taipei for next day work, and babysit my friend's sick cat while she's away for several days.

Sunday, July 22, 2018












Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Postcard from Suomi

Received a greeting in this winter holiday, thank youuuu very much !!

Stay warm!