Sunday, April 29, 2007


today is another bad day for me..

1st KL BB is having its enrolment today.. I woke up early in the morning have everything prepared, my uniforms n etc.. And drove to school..

on my journey, I got problem shifting the gears smoothly, and when I about to reach the school, I already couldn't shift my gear at all.. moreover, I stucked in the middle of the road of the car park, where there are no more space available for me to park my car..

worried of getting in the way of the traffic, I stayed in my car so I can push my car away whenever I'm blocking someone's car.. I ended up sitting in the car for hours instead of attending the enrolment service, until the whole thing ends, people came and drove their car away, and finally I got a space to park(push) in my car..

I almost get screwed for not attending the event..

At this moment my dad had came together with a mechanic to check out my car, it happens to be somewhere in the car has dried and run out of oil, that's why my clutch is so losen till I couldn't shift the gear.. I wondered, my dad, too, why on earth the problem all arise whenever I drive the car, its not like my fault at all.. my luck with cars is just plainly bad bad bad..

a very, very bad mood day..


ckyue said...

FYI, i'm 1 of the hakkzai king in my class. hmmm....seems u quite hakkzai too...come come...b my hakzai kingdom d people...wuahahaha!

rhf said...

keep in touch..
my blog is
very inspired by your bro's story.