Friday, May 04, 2007

A raging night after moments of happy..

I just return from LSO concert, driving home happily.. Things does not always turn out good, as I also know I always involve into car crash, yes, again it happens again when I almost reach home..

It was raining heavily just now, I was driving home and I came to a turn.. Not longed after I turn, all of sudden a damn Perdana knock my car from right(kanan) behind, my car spinned 360 degree on the road and I crashed at the side of the road, the backside hit it.. I sketch a pic to give a clear happening..

green arrow - my car
blue arrow - s.o.b car

it was quite a luck that my back hit the side, if it crash by front, it would have damage my engine totally and unable to drive at all.. As result, the red lamp and the bumper over the right is broken and crooked inwards..

the son/daughter of bitch drove away the car, and I'm so angry so angry.. fuck that m*rtha f*cker CCB uncivilized Mesopotamian s/d.o.b for driving the car madly and give me so much trouble.. I couldn't control my temper anymore...

Pls ask me to chill down..

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