Monday, May 26, 2008

Learn to relax

My health is deteriorating recently.. Major cause was the stress I get in my life, I'm too tensed up with what I have to keep myself up to..

I'm experiencing some sharp pain in the chest recently, it always comes a little and gone in the next day, until the last 2 weeks the pain had grown till I couldn't take a deep breath and last week it strikes me again.. It occurs on the left side of my side but sometimes on the right side on my chest..

Then, I hardly ever sleep well.. I often goes to bed at 12am but wakes up about 5.30am or 6am, gone to bed by 12, but I only fallen asleep after 2 or 3 hours, making my sleeping less, or either I get dreaming alot making my sleeping not complete. Sometimes I do take some 1 hour nap in the school, but it never help much..

Part of the reason I couldn't sleep well maybe because I'm too lazy to use my brain during day time ended up my brain is so active in the night, I couldn't stop thinking all the time and it keeps me awake although I'm very tired physically.. Just can't stop spinning, is there any solutions for this cannot-be-seen matters ? (you might suggest meditation..)

Getting more white hairs ? Yea, ever since I'm primary.. (=.='')

Thinking of girl ? Yeah definitely, hahaha..

Stress on studies ? Yeah, too focused for good results.. why ? Because I'm miles behind others..

Spent too much time in driving, thanks to traffic jam.

Doc Shamsher ask me go relax myself.. Ok.. I'll try my best, thank you. =)

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